
The Towards IPOS project, with a consortium of partners, is currently engaged in developing and refining the potential future IPOS mission, governance, participatory approach, financial model and partnerships, all of which will form foundational building blocks of the future IPOS. Broad consultations are ongoing to ensure co-design of the IPOS concept.

Launch of the Global Consultation

We are excited to share the latest progress of the Towards IPOS initiative and announce that on July 3rd, IPOS launched a global consultation running until mid-September. This consultation aims to gather insights from ocean organizations and experts to shape IPOS's vision, mission, and approach.

In case you missed it, you can re-watch the webinar recording on YouTube. Be sure to download the attached presentation slides to stay informed about the key points and discussions. We invite you to share your insights and help shape the future direction of IPOS!