
This section features a curated selection of all the works published by the Towards IPOS team. From research papers to meeting reports, our publications span a wide range of topics and perspectives. Each document reflects our dedication to advancing knowledge and building the foundational blocks of our organisation. Explore our archive and stay informed with the latest contributions from our dedicated team.

Shaping IPOS: Southern perspectives on optimising the science-policy interface

During the UN Ocean Decade Conference in Barcelona in April, the Towards IPOS team was present and hosted a side-event, integrating insights from Global South experts and practitioners to discuss knowledge priorities and best practices for the science-policy interface.

Meeting report

April 2024

Towards IPOS: The Gateway between ocean knowledge and policy action

Towards IPOS hosted a side event during the Monaco Ocean Week in March, gathering high-level stakeholders to discuss the global ocean knowledge-decision interface.

Meeting report

March 2024

Seascape Assessment: Feasibility Study for the establishment of an Intergovernmental Panel for Ocean Sustainability (IPOS)

The Seascape Assessment report commissioned by DG MARE analyses organisations, both global and European, that provide information about the state of the ocean.

Publication office of the European Union

August 2023

An evolution towards scientific consensus for a sustainable ocean future

This paper introduces the Towards IPOS initiative as a coordinating mechanism to integrate knowledge systems to forge a bridge across ocean science-policy divides collectively. The aim is to enrich the global policy debate in the Ocean Decade and support a shift toward ocean sustainability.

Nature Partner Journals Ocean Sustainability

December 2022

Bridging Shades of Blue: Co-constructing knowledge with the International Panel for Ocean Sustainability (IPOS)

A diverse group of Ocean knowledge holders, including policymakers, small-scale fishers, marine social scientists and ocean lawyers gathered to reflect on the key features, challenges, strategies, actors to be involved, as well as pathways to balance power for advancing an inclusive and equitable IPOS.

Taylor and Francis Online

August 2022